10ct Plastic Weave Bins by Hudson 43

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          Make clutter disappear with the 10 Pack Weave Bins. This set of 10 weave bins comes in different shapes and sizes to help you utilize your space. You can use the bins separately or nest them to fit your needs. Keep yourself organized at home or in the office with the 10 Pack Weave Bin set.

          • 2 small circles: 3.875 x 3.875 inch2 small squares 4.75 x 4.75 x 2.375 inch2 medium rectangles 3.75 x 7.75 x 2.375 inch2 large rectangles 3.875 x 9.625 x 2.375 inch1 shallow storage bin 10.125 x 13.875 x 4.69 inch1 medium storage bin 10.5 x 13.875 x 4.685 inch